Tuesday, July 30, 2013


The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton

Once upon a time, I checked this book out of the library. I then returned it after reading about three chapters. I have no idea why I didn't get into it then, but man, am I ever enjoying it now. Admittedly, the story gets off to kind of a slow start, but now that I'm invested in the story, I don't want to put it down.


George Stroumboulopoulos Tonight

I'm house sitting for some friends right now, so I have an actual TV. This is both strange and wonderful. It also means that I've been able to watch George every night. Such a good interviewer. Additionally, I may have a bit of a celebrity crush on him. And Jian Ghomeshi. Apparently I have a thing for guys who can interview well. Also, is there a rule that Canadian interviewers must have a weird name?


"Disney Dudez" by Toddrick Hall and IM5

Okay, so, just in case you were thinking I was some elegant person who reads classic literature and gets excited about watching really good interviews, and the whole attractive-Canadian-celebrities line of discussion didn't tip you off, I thought I would throw this video in there. I have this inner teenaged girl that melts every time I see a boy band like this one. To be fair, I did not discover this on my own. However, it is entirely my decision to watch this at least once a day. It's just so catchy!

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